General Counsel Services
On a day to day basis, we guide Boards in every aspect of governance, including drafting and reviewing of governing documents, fiduciary obligations, capital improvement projects, alterations and individual shareholder/unit owner issues. Our general counsel services incorporate practical advise regarding common problems including protection against potential liability, dispute resolution, contract negotiations, labor law representation, and litigation services.
- Assisting newly established Boards in developing governance policies;
- Counseling established associations in every area of corporate governance;
- Preparing alteration agreements, sublet agreements, rules and regulations, and other essential building policy documents;
- We maintain a full-service transfer department for sales and purchases, and full time litigation, collections, and foreclosure departments to streamline issues with individual owners.
Offering Plans
Our Practice Group’s attorneys have over 20 years of experience preparing and filing offering plans for Condominiums and Cooperatives. We have excellent relationships with the New York State Attorney General’s office and have access to key experts in all related fields. Combined with our transactional, banking, and association expertise, we understand the title and financial issues that arise during offerings, and are able to create mechanisms to allow the developer to avoid problems with the Attorney General’s office and deal with the property rights and obligations of the sponsor post-conversion. We routinely file amendments to offering plans with the Attorney General’s office to assist sponsors to stay in compliance with evolving AG regulations.
- Structuring, drafting, and filing offering plans;
- Ensuring that developer’s financing and sales needs are reflected in loan and construction documents;
- Individual unit closings for Sponsor apartments.
Sponsor Sales
We also represent the interests of sponsors when interacting with associations after they have started operations. We advise sponsors throughout the sensitive post-conversion negotiations with associations over Board control and construction defect claims.
- Negotiating terms of sale and purchase on behalf of Sponsors and tenant associations;
- Facilitating the transition from Sponsor control to independent shareholder and unit owner control Boards.